John Sager Repanich. Na Visu su ga gotovo svi poznavali ili su bar čuli za njega i njegovu plantažu avokada koju je sa suprugom Pat podigao u Brgujcu. Podsjetit će nas na to članak iz Slobodne Dalmacije iz 2017. godine
I drugi portali i televizije su izvješćivali o tome. Složit ćete se da je to svakako bila dobra promocija za Vis, a i turistički smještaj u njihovoj vili je dobijao najviše ocjene. Ljubav za Vis, promocija, donacije...
John je preminuo 10. studenog 2020. godine, a u svom pismu prijateljima i rodbini za Božić Patricia je opisala okolnosti pod kojima su naglo napustili Vis i što se potom događalo... Počivao u miru!
Dear Friends and Family,
As I decorate for Christmas in my rented condo on Bainbridge Island, Washington State, I think of each of you, the wonderful family and friends that I have all around the world. I am very blessed.
As for the whole world, 2020 has been especially difficult for me. John’s health was declining so we left Vis and moved, bringing only 4 suitcases, to an unfurnished condo on Bainbridge Island in Washington State in July. The diagnosis of stomach and esophagus cancer, stage 4 was a shock and there was no treatment that would cure or even make his quality of life better. He passed away on November 10. We will have a celebration of his life when Covid goes away and we can all be together again.
John and I celebrated our 60th year of married adventures together in September. Now I am making a new life for me on the island where I grew up. I have a beach and a view of Eagle Harbor and wonderful park trails to walk. My great support comes from Lori and her family and my sister Kay, who live nearby. Nick and family do not live close, but are also super support. My goal is to stay healthy enough to get to know and enjoy my three (very soon to be 4) great grandchildren. Life is very different alone, but I am establishing routines, making some new friends and adjusting pretty well.
The villa and avocado plantation on Vis has a possible prospective buyer. I miss the Croatian family and many things about Vis, (especially the sea), but I have many advantages here too. Life goes on and a new chapter waits to be written.
Merry Christmas and a Way Better New Year.
Sretan Bozic I Sve Najbolje
Love you all, Pat